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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

Hola, cuánto tiempo. Ya ni me acordaba de que tenía cuenta en Miarroba, y hoy me ha llegado un mensaje privado, que es, evidentemente, un intento de estafa. Escribo aquí y noa través de un "reporte" a los administradores porque creo que es algo que debe saber la gente cuanto antes: no respondáis a este mensaje.

Mensaje enviado el 21 de Julio de 2009
Good day dear 
I know it is normal and natural for you to wonder why I contacted you for assistance in this transaction, since we have not met each other before, I am pleading that you be patient with me because I have no other choice than to do what I am doing now since it is the only way out of this problem I found myself based on the fact that most times in life, One must confide in another Person to survive,
I therefore decided to contact you to find a solution to my problem irrespective of the fact that we never knew each other, please do not misunderstand me since a journey of hundred miles starts with a step, I am therefore begging you to accept me with an open heart and mind, it is the situation I found myself that made me to contact you and ask for your assistance.

I am contacting you to assist me to  transfer the Sum of (5.7million united state dollar's) that I inherited from my Late Father which he made from the sale of Crude Oil Business, now i need to tranfer the money in your care for investment in your Country under your Management while I continue my education because my education stopped due to the death of my Father, My mother died after giving birth to me, so I never knew my mother.
Many thanks to you if you can help me as I would compensate you with a good percentage of the money which is negotiable after the money has been successfully transferred and confirmed into your account, for investment in your Country under your Management while I continue my education i will like to enroll in medicine in my arrival to your country.
Immidiately i confirm your willingness to help me transfer this money on your care i will not west time to send to you my photo and more detail's regarding this transaction.
God bless you and the entire member's of your Family, my private email([email protected]) my mobile line +22548125289
Your's Faithfully
Vannisa Robert

 Creedme, es una ESTAFA. No respondáis.

Por favor, señores administradores, tomad las medidas necesarias para frenar este despropósito cuanto antes, y si lo consideráis necesario, advertid a todos los usuarios del riesgo que corren al responder a estos intentos de estafa. El usuario que me lo ha enviado se hace llamar "vanny20082009".

Un saludo.

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

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