el codigo del menu desplegable es
Nota: El siguiente script requiere del archivo "navcond.js" para su correcto funcionamiento. El mismo se encuentra en la carpeta Exportar.
<!-- Copiar dentro del tag HEAD -->
<script language="JavaScript" src="navcond.js">
<script language="JavaScript">
Top Navigational Bar II (By Mike Hall @ Brainjar.com)
var myNavBar1 = new NavBar(0);
var dhtmlMenu;
//define menu items (first parameter of NavBarMenu specifies main category width, second specifies sub category width in pixels)
//add more menus simply by adding more "blocks" of same code below
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(100, 0);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Inicio", "index.htm"
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(100, 120);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Depósito", ""
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Caducar página", "caducar.htm"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Pantalla completa", "ventanafull.htm"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Anular botones", "mouse.htm"
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(110, 120);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Tutoriales", ""
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("La Variable", "http://www.lavariable.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Programación", "http://www.programacion.net"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("ABC Datos", "http://www.abcdatos.com/"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Cybercursos", "http://www.cybercursos.net/"
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(100, 150);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Buscadores", ""
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Yahoo", "http://www.yahoo.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Alta Vista", "http://www.altavista.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Infoseek", "http://www.infoseek.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Excite", "http://www.excite.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("HotBot", "http://www.hotbot.com"
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(100, 150);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Webmasters", ""
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Foros del Web", "http://www.forosdelweb.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Desarrollo Web", "http://www.desarrolloweb.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("JavaScript", "http://javascript.internet.com"
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("BrainJar", "http://brainjar.com"
//set menu colors
myNavBar1.setColors("#ffffff","#ffffff","#000000","#ffffff","#6B6B6B","#000000","#C0C0C0","#ffffff","#8A0000"![Giño Giño]()
//uncomment below line to center the menu (valid values are "left", "center", and "right"
//myNavBar1.setAlign("center"![Giño Giño]()
var fullWidth;
function init() {
// Get width of window, need to account for scrollbar width in Netscape.
fullWidth = getWindowWidth()
- (isMinNS4 && getWindowHeight() < getPageHeight() ? 16 : 0);
<!-- Copiar dentro del tag BODY -->
<body onload="init()">
Tengo el dreamweaver Lo que hago es abrir una pagina html nueva y le doy a insertar html le doy a guardar y le doy a ver como esta y se ve todo en blanco.
pone que tiene que tener el archivo navcond.js lo copio y lo pego en donde he guardado la pagina y no va
Que hago mal??????