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CME Impact / X1.5 Solar Flare / Sunspot 1166
03/10/2011 by Kevin VE3EN at 08:30 UTC
Comment on Message Board

Minor CME Impact: The ACE Spacecraft has detected a minor shock from an incoming CME. The solar wind has increased somewhat and the Bz is tilting sharply south as of 08:22 UTC Thursday morning. Minor geomagnetic storming may be possible at very high latitudes.

X1.5 Solar Flare - Just as active Sunspot 1165 has disappeared onto the western limb, The second largest Solar Flare of Cycle 24 thurs far has taken place around huge Sunspot 1166. The X1.5 event event peaked at 23:16 UTC Wednesday evening and caused a strong R3 Level Radio Blackout on the sunlit side of earth. More to follow.

Magnetic Image of Sunspot 1166 (Early Thursday)

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