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Usuario habitual

lo e instalado todo y e modificado lo de config.php y cuando cargo la web aparece esto

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: message_die() in /home/webcindario/foros-njcg/html/db/db.php on line 88

que ocurre?

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

Seguro que has puesto bien el config.php??? ahora mismo la base de datos no esta caida.

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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual

Database & System Config
# dbhost: mysql.webcindario.com SQL Database Hostname
# dbuname: foros_njcg SQL Username
# dbpass: ********** SQL Password
# dbname: foros_njcg SQL Database Name
# $prefix: nuke Your Database table's prefix
# $user_prefix: nuke Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype: mysql.

eso e puesto ; (es lo unico que hay que modificar no)

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

Eso es lo que hay que modificar, pero no tienes que dejar lo de "SQL Database Hostname" y similares, simplemente poner los datos.

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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual

entonces en $user_prefix: que pongo

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman


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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual

todo esto es lo que hay en ese apartado lo dejo asi

# Database & System Config
# dbhost: mysql.webcindario.com

dbuname: foros_njcg
# dbpass: ******
# dbname: foros_njcg
# $prefix: nuke
# $user_prefix: nuke

prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype: mysql.
# MySQL,

mysql4, postgres, mssql, oracle, msaccess,
# db2 and

# Be sure to write it exactly as above, case

# $sitekey: Security Key. CHANGE it to whatever you want,

as long
# as you want. Just don't use quotes.
# $gfx_chk:

Set the graphic security code on every login screen,
# You

need to have GD extension installed:
# 0: No check

1: Administrators login only
# 2: Users login only

3: New users registration only
# 4: Both, users login

and new users registration only
# 5: Administrators and

users login only
# 6: Administrators and new users

registration only
# 7: Everywhere on all login options

(Admins and Users)
# NOTE: If you aren't sure set this value

to 0

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

$dbhost = "mysql.webcindario.com";
$dbuname = "XXXX";
$dbpass = "XXXX";
$dbname = "XXXX";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "bgdghdbdasdfhgf+dfgdsgh.465fdsftg";
$gfx_chk = "0";

Tan simple como eso.... rellenado las XXXX por tus datos.

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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual

okk me a quedado asi aunque sigue diciendo eso ,pero gracias

# Database & System Config
# $dbhost = "mysql.webcindario.com";
$dbuname = "foros_njcg";
$dbpass = "******";
$dbname = "foros_njcg";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "bgdghdbdasdfhgf+dfgdsgh.465fdsftg";
$gfx_chk = "0";
# You need to have GD extension

# 0: No check
# 1: Administrators login

# 2: Users login only
# 3: New users

registration only
# 4: Both, users login and new users

registration only
# 5: Administrators and users login

# 6: Administrators and new users registration only

7: Everywhere on all login options (Admins and Users)

NOTE: If you aren't sure set this value to 0

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@man / @woman
@man / @woman

# $dbhost = "mysql.webcindario.com";
Te sobra el #

Luego lo de:
# You need to have GD extension installed: # 0: No check # 1: Administrators login only
Todo tiene que ir comenentado con #, pues son comentarios.

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Usuario habitual
Usuario habitual

muchisimas gracias ya me va

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