Usuario Novato
Usuario Novato


 Tengo un sitio con WP en ese server y necesito activar el Akismet para cuidar los spam

me requieren lo que aparece debajo...

me podeis ayudar??:2]:2]:2]:2]

System requirements

Akismet is a spam filtering service. It’s most commonly used with WordPress, but is often used with other blog platforms, forum applications, contact forms and similar web apps. It’s a centralized service, so TCP connectivity to servers at is required for it to work.

System requirements for the WordPress plugin are the same as for WordPress, plus:

  • PHP’s fsockopen and gethostbynamel functions must not be disabled (they are enabled by default in PHP)
  • TCP connectivity to

Please see the next question for information about firewalls.

System requirements for other Akismet plugins and implementations vary, but TCP connectivity is always required.

Allowing Akismet to work with your firewall

In order for a blog or forum to use Akismet to check spam, it needs to be able to make outgoing TCP connections to servers at If your network normally blocks outgoing connections from your public web servers, you’ll need to add a firewall rule permitting connections to Akismet.

If your security filters allow exceptions based on hostnames, you should permit connections on port 80 to:

Most Akismet API calls will be made to a host name of the form, where api_key is an alphanumeric string that is different for each web site owner.

If your security filters only allow IP-based rules, here are the current IP addresses used for Akismet API calls:

Avatar Image
@man / @woman
@man / @woman

fsockopen esta deshabilitada para todos desde hace muchísimo tiempo.

gethostbyname sí está habilitada.[....]nciones-deshabilitadas-en-miarroba/

Usuario Novato
Usuario Novato


muchas gracias de todos modos


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