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Hoal estoy intentando poner en marcha una Tiki-Wiki que viene a ser un php wiki + un weblog, bueno eso es secundario, y al tras subirlo al ftp y cargar la pagina necesaria para el config me dice lo siguiente:

"Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 48 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /home/webcindario/campanilla/tiki-setup.php on line 134

Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 48 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /home/webcindario/campanilla/tiki-setup.php on line 143

TikiWiki is not properly set up:
The directory '/tmp' does not exist or PHP is not allowed to access it (check open_basedir entry in php.ini).

You may either chmod the directories above manually to 777, or run one of the sets of commands below.
Procceed to the Tiki installer after you run the commands below.

If you cannot become root, and are NOT part of the group apache:
$ bash
$ cd /home/webcindario/campanilla
$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh yourlogin yourgroup 02777
Tip: You can find your group using the command 'id'.

If you cannot become root, but are a member of the group apache:
$ bash
$ cd /home/webcindario/campanilla
$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh mylogin apache

If you can become root:
$ bash
$ cd /home/webcindario/campanilla
$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ su -c './setup.sh apache'

If you have problems accessing a directory, check the open_basedir entry in
/etc/httpd/conf/php.ini or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.

Once you have executed these commands, this message will disappear!

Note: If you cannot become root, you will not be able to delete certain
files created by apache, and will need to ask your system administrator
to delete them for you if needed.

Consult the tikiwiki.org installation guide if you need more help.

Procceed to the Tiki installer if you've completed the steps above."

No es la primera vez que me pasa, intantando instalar otro Blog el BBlog para concretar mas, me ha acurrido igual (por eso he cambiado de script.
Pero me ha vuelto a pasar.
No se si estoy haciendo algo mal o que el servidor tiene prohibidas algunas operaciones... en lycos lo pude instalar, pero lycos es una cutrez y yo lo quiero poner aqui, que está mejor.

Me podeís ayudar?
Gracias por adelantado.

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